Author | van Emden, F.I., |
Year | 1954 |
Title | Diptera: Cyclorrhapha Calyptrata (I) Sect (a) Tachinidae and Calliphoridae |
Series | Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects |
Type | Book/Report |
How Complete | Covers all UK species known at the time |
Source | Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects , Vol X. Part 4(a), 133pp, The Royal Entomological Society of London |
Illustrations | Rather pokey line drawings with the text |
Review (by Malcolm Storey) | Classic old-style RES handbook dichotomous keys to the British species. The Tachinidae key is widely regarded as one of the most difficult in the RES Handbooks. Most of the problem lies in the initial key to subfamilies; after that it’s more straightforward. Belshaw’s more recent key is much easier to use, but the present work remains useful for the figures of genitalia. Calliphoridae (apart from Rhinophorinae - now Rhinophoridae) has been superseded by the two Faun. Ent. Scan. volumes Can be downloaded from the Royal Entomological Society website. |
Examine | ![]() |
Specimen Preparation | Pinned specimens set to show prosternum |
Identification difficulty | Tachinidae: very difficult and often unusable. Calliphoridae (s.l.) moderately straightforward |
Website url | |
Notes & Purpose | Status | Taxon | English | Classification |
For identification, P97 | Current | OESTROIDEA | blow-flies, blue-bottles, flesh flies and parasitoid flies | Animalia: Diptera |
For identification | Superseded | CALLIPHORIDAE | blowflies, bluebottles, green bottles and woodlouse-flies | Animalia: Diptera |
For identification | Superseded | SARCOPHAGIDAE | flesh flies | Animalia: Diptera |
For identification, The newer Belshaw key is much easier. | Superseded | TACHINIDAE | parasitoid flies | Animalia: Diptera |
Unless otherwise expressly stated, all original material on the BioInfo website by Malcolm Storey is licensed under the above Creative Commons Licence.