Author | Disney, R.H.L. |
Year | 1999 |
Title | British Dixidae (meniscus midges) and Thaumaleidae (trickle midges): Keys with ecological notes |
ISBN | 0 900386 60 6 |
Series | Scientific Publications |
Type | Book/Report |
How Complete | All the British species known at the time |
Source | Scientific Publications, no. 56, 129pp, Freshwater Biological Association |
Illustrations | Line and stipple drawings accompany the text. There are also a few half-tone photographs. |
Review (by Malcolm Storey) | Introductory chapters cover classification, collecting and rearing, preservation and mounting, and examination. The Dixidae taxonomic part starts with checklist, followed by description and photographs of eggs. The key to mature larvae follows diagrams of a larva from dorsal and ventral sides. This is followed by the key to pupae. For the adults, the males and females are treated separately. The section starts with diagrams of an adult (dorsal and lateral views and close-up of thorax) to introduce the terminology, diagrams of antennae and wings (to introduce vein nomenclature) and photomicrographs of wings of females. This is followed by the keys to males and females, largely based on terminalia. The final section on Dixidae includes ecology and species notes. The treatment of the three species of Thaumaleidae follows a similar format. Keys are offered to late instar larvae and to adults, again separating males and females. |
Examine | ![]() ![]() |
Specimen Preparation | Specimens may be preserved in 70% alcohol, but slide mounts (Euparal or Berlese fluid) are better. Adults should be dissected and the terminalia displayed separately. |
Notes & Purpose | Status | Taxon | English | Classification |
For identification, contains Checklist | Current | THAUMALEIDAE | trickle midges | Animalia: Diptera |
For identification, contains Checklist | Current | DIXIDAE | meniscus midges | Animalia: Diptera |
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