Author | Ing, B. |
Year | 2003 |
Title | Snowline myxomycetes in Britain |
Type | Paper |
How Complete | All the British snowline species known at the time |
Source | Field Mycology Vol 4 (1): 7-14. |
Illustrations | Colour photographs |
Review (by Malcolm Storey) | An account of the small group of myxomycetes that appear on vegetation in alpine regions (mainly Scotland) after the snow melts. The species recorded in Britain are listed with shot notes on their occurrence and habitat. Includes a key to snowline myomycetes in Britain. |
Examine | ![]() |
Specimen Preparation | Microscopy of spores and capillitium |
Notes & Purpose | Status | Taxon | English | Classification |
For identification, (Snowline species) | Current | Diderma | a genus of slime moulds | Protozoa: Physarida: Didymiaceae |
For identification, (Snowline species) | Current | Didymium | a genus of slime moulds | Protozoa: Physarida: Didymiaceae |
For identification, (Snowline species) | Current | Lepidoderma | a genus of slime moulds | Protozoa: Physarida: Didymiaceae |
For identification, (Snowline species) | Current | Physarum | a genus of slime moulds | Protozoa: Physarida: Physaraceae |
For identification, (Snowline species) | Current | Lamproderma | a genus of slime moulds | Protozoa: Stemonitida: Stemonitidaceae |
For identification, (Snowline species) | Current | Dianema | a genus of slime moulds | Protozoa: Trichiida: Dianemataceae |
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